- 前previous
- 而近红外系统的夜视摄像头就没有那么多限制,它被安装在后视镜或挡风玻璃顶端附近。CCD has no such constraints, so it can be mounted on the rearview mirror or near the top of the windshield.
- 前视fore sight
- 前的prevenient
- 目标识别与定距双路接收的前视激光引信A Forward-looking Laser Fuze Using Target Recognition and Distance Dual-channel Receiving Technique
- 向前onward
- 前几天the other day
- 前一Before
- 在前forward
- 前一个previous
- 基于横向预瞄偏差的驾驶员前视轨迹控制模型Driver Control Model of Vehicle Preview Course Based on Lateral Deviation
- 往前along
- 前日eve
- 前文preamble
- 前页preceding page
- 前置preposing
- 几天前other day
- 前部foreside
- 税前pre-tax
- 前视红外仪forward looking infrared