- 照片photograph
- 在线in-line
- 颧骨弓前后位倾斜角放大摄影法Tilt Magnification Radiography of the Zygomatic Bone on A-P Postion
- 腰椎前后位骨矿含量、面积评价骨密度测量的可靠性Reliability of evaluation of human bone mineral density by estimation of the mineral content and area of lumbar bone in anteroposterior position
- 我打算安排照颅骨侧位的X线照片。I would order a lateral skull film.
- 乳腺X线照片mammograph
- 肩峰前后切线位摄片与向尾侧倾斜 3 0度肩前后位摄片骨赘均值t检验差异显著 (P <0 .0 1)。There was significant difference( P <0.01) in average osteophyte length between radiographs made in acromion tangented anterior poterior position and those made with shoulder anterior posterior with x ray beam tilted 30-degree caudad after tested with t examination.
- 动态下X线照片Dynamic X-ray film
- 研究方法:本研究回顾性的对两种方法(站立位全长前后位片和仰卧位透视片)所得的下肢对线排列资料进行对比。Methods: We retrospectively compared the measurements of lower limb alignment that were obtained with use of supine intraoperative fluoroscopy with those that were obtained with use of a full-length standing anteroposterior radiograph of the lower extremity.
- X线人类学roentgenographic anthropology
- 方法双能骨密度仪(DEXA)测定269例50~80岁青岛常住人口腰椎前后位和髋部骨密度,记录年龄,测量身高、体重,计算出体重指数,并进行统计学分析。Methods Measure and analyze the lumbar vertebrae and hip bone mineral density (BMD) of 269 cases with their age, weight and body mass index (BMI).
- x线照片roentgenogram
- 透X线Pass through X - ray
- 腺X线照片adenogram
- X线两档Two X-ray energy modes
- 心X线照片actinocardiogram
- X线系统X- ray system
- 牙X线照片odontoradiograph
- X线检测X-ray detection