- 涩剌剌astringent
- 因此想要吸引顾客注意,就的大胆、大剌剌,甚至大言不惭地宣传自己最明显的好处。Therefore, to be noticed, you have to be bold, brash and almost in-your-face about the most overt benefit you have to offer.
- 那男人大剌剌地坐了,第问句话,大家殷勤抢答,引得他把手一拦道:“一个人讲话够了。”The man sat down very pompously.Whenever he asked a question, each one tried to outdo the others in answering him, which prompted him to hold up his hand and say, "One person answering is enough."
- 等他回到办公间里坐下来,把那纸片大剌剌放在桌上的纸堆里,戴上眼镜,把听写器拉到近前来。He went back to his cubicle, sat down, threw the fragment of paper casually among the other papers on the desk, put on his spectacles and hitched the speakwrite towards him.
- 一个伙计已经取下了两三把洋伞,立刻撑开了一把,热剌剌地塞到那年青乡下人的手里,振起精神,使出夸卖的本领来:A salesman had already taken down two or three imported umbrellas. He promptly opened one and shoved it earnestly into the young peasant's hand. Summoning all his zeal, the salesman launched into a high powered patter:
- “他的诗句偶尔会变得幽默而有讽剌意味”(艾伯特C.鲍)"His muse occasionally takes a humorous and satirical turn" (Albert C. Baugh)
- Bernard穿刺术,糖尿穿刺(在第四脑室特定点穿剌引起糖尿)Bernard's puncture
- 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin.
- 随着一阵剌耳的声音金属松了。他终于将它掰弯,双手能够伸得进去了。With a screech, the metal gave way, and he managed to bend it enough to reach inside.
- 这些脉冲剌激了尚存功能的视网膜单元,产生了与健康眼睛产生的可视信号相似的信号。These stimulate any remaining functional retinal cells and produce visual signals similar to those generated by healthy eyes.
- 当女神雅典娜还在和波塞冬竞争时,阿剌克涅就开始编织一张精致的网。While the goddess worked on the stow of her rivalry with Poseidon, arachne began to weave a delicate web
- 他把匕首剌入她的心脏。He thrust a dagger into her heart.
- 本地方面,利率下调可能对消费开支产生剌激作用,并对物业市场有正面影响。Locally, the fall in interest rates may stimulate consumer spending and impact positively on the property market.
- 玫瑰无剌天下无。No rise without a thorn.
- 剌耳的声音ragged sounds
- 有点剌激。It was kind of exciting.
- 阿剌伯橡acacia
- 阿剌哥点Arago point
- 阿剌果点Arago point
- 阿剌果盘Arago's disk