- 所谓的制动“鼓”实际上就是后刹车碟的内侧部分。The brake "drum" is actually the inside part of the rear brake rotor .
- 主营汽车刹车碟,刹车鼓,刹车蹄片,缸套组件,发动机大修箱Specializing in Brake Disc, Brake Shoes, Brake Pad, Cylinder liner and Major Engine Overhaul etc
- 小菜一碟a piece of cake
- 大碟video disc
- 硬碟hard disk
- 很多的维修费用都花在了更换刹车方面。A lot of the cost of maintenance went into renewing brakes.
- 一碟dishful
- 刹车需要更换。The brakes have to be replaced.
- 她紧急刹车,避免了一场车祸。She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.
- 在起伏不平的城镇里驾车对刹车很有危害Driving in a hilly town is hell on the brakes.
- 碟形phialiform
- 他猛地刹车看看刹车灵不灵。He jammed on the brakes to see if they worked.
- 小碟saucer
- 司机猛的刹车刹到底。The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor.
- 猫把碟中的牛奶舐得乾乾净净。The cat lapped up all the milk in the saucer.
- 刹车器将车轮刹住。The brakes locked the wheels.
- 软碟floppy disk
- 厨房里传来盘碟的当啷声。There was a clatter of dishes and plates in the kitchen.
- 踩刹车!Hit the brakes!
- 果冻噗的一声落到碟里.The jelly plopped into the dish.