- 到房子里来.Come into the house.
- 到房子里来。Come into the house.
- 她反对穿着沾有烂泥的鞋进到房子里来。She objects to muddy shoes in the house.
- 有一天豺狼鬼鬼祟祟地进到房子里。豺狼刚进来,公羊就用角顶了它。猪要住尾巴。One day Wolf sneaked into the house. But as soon as he got inside the door, Ram butted him. Pig bit off his tail.
- 他突然进到房子里。He leaped into the house.
- 他一度住在我们隔壁的那栋房子里。He used to live for a time in the house next to ours.
- 你告诉她,今天晚上请她务必到那个糟糕的旅馆里来找我。Tell her at any rate that she must come and see me this evening at that horrid hotel.
- 如果你愿意帮我把这个盒子搬到房子里,我会使它值得你花力气的。If you would help me to carry boxes into the house,I'll make it worth your while.
- 到房屋里来。Come into the house.
- 我记得奶奶总是在房子里忙来忙去。I remember my grandmother always bustling about the house.
- 添加一点点未煮过的米到盐瓶里来防止盐结块(米会吸收湿气)。Add a few grains of uncooked rice to a salt shaker to prevent the salt from caking (the rice absorbs moisture).
- 他从童年起到现在一直住在这所房子里。He has been living in this house from his childhood upwards.
- 哭声是从隔壁一栋房子里传出来的。Sobs were heard to proceed from a neighbouring house.
- 我们要搬到一个新公寓里来。We are going to move into a new falt.
- 孩子们到房子的每一个房间里寻找那只猫。The children searched each and every chamber in the house for the cat.
- 争吵声是从房子里传出来的。Sounds of quarrelling proceeded from the house.
- 克鲁索一共有十一只枪。他把其中的五只拿到新洞里来,还拿来了许多火药。Crusoe had eleven guns altogether. He brought five of them to his new cave and a great deal of gun- powder.
- 全伦敦的人都拥到公园里来,从夏天的酒杯里喝掉那残剩的酒脚。All London had poured into the Park, draining the cup of summer to its dregs.
- 从房子里走出去/来to go/come out of the house
- 贼或许会到房子里去偷东西,但那种事情却还不如有人不服从我那样可恼。”Thieves might strip the house--it would annoy me less than to be disobeyed."