- 别让酸液溅到手上.Don' t let the acid splash on your hand.
- 他不小心将酸液溅了一脸,他的一只眼也许要瞎了。He accidentally splashed acid in his face and he may lose his sight in one eye.
- 盼望菩萨保佑,她种的菜,忽然一夜长大起来,第二天她就可以拿到镇上去卖,有一大笔钱换到手上。She prayed to Buddha to make her vegetables ripen overnight, so that she could sell them the next day and buy an axe, a saw and a scythe.
- "请别让人心里七上八下的;你要是知道我的考试成绩就告诉我吧!""Don't keep me in a state of suspense, please! If you know the results of my examination, tell me!"
- 如果用日本的段位制来衡量他的话,我相信他可以上7段或8段。If the Japanese ranking system were applied to him,I believe he would rank among the seventh or the eighth dan.