- 利用TD估计目标状态Tracking Target State with TD
- 为了根据样本估计目标状态的概率分布,提出了一种新的ECME算法,并嵌入到t-分布粒子滤波器中.To estimate probability density function(PDF) of the target state based on samples,a new Expectation Conditional Maximization Either(ECME) algorithm is introduced and embedded in the SPF.
- 状态mode
- 目标状态估值器Target Stater Estimator
- 声纳方位序列估计目标运动参数匹配方法研究The method research by using sonar bearing sequence estimate the target motion parameter based on matched-field processing
- 状态的postural
- 因此,如何利用被动声纳进行目标检测以及估计目标参数成为水声信号处理领域内非常活跃的一个课题。Therefore, how to use passive SONAR to check signal and estimate the parameters of aim become a active theme in the underwater acoustic domain.
- 目标状态target state
- TD渗钒处理TD vanadizing treatment
- 状态信息status messages
- 利用多重抽样估计稀有物种的种类数Estimating the Number of Rare Species by multisampling
- 正常状态order
- 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。We can generate electric power by splitting atoms.
- 他的建议成了批评的目标。His proposal became the target of criticism.
- 最佳状态high-point
- 她利用零碎时间编织。She knits at odd moments.
- 我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。We aim at doubling our production.
- 我们必须充分利用这块宝地。We must turn this precious plot to good account.