- 重酒石酸利斯的明Rivastigmine hydrogentartrate
- 针灸联合新斯的明治疗镇痛泵术后急性尿潴留40例临床观察Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 40 Cases of Acute Uroschesis Because of Using Ease Pain Pump After Operation With Acupuncture and Neostigmine
- 慕利斯的名字来自于法语风车。知道今日,仍有三个古老的风车可以在慕利斯看到。Moulis name is coming from "moulin" (french word for windmill). Indeed nowadays, three ancient mills are still viewable in Moulis.
- 斯this
- 新斯的明对颈丛阻滞下甲状腺手术中心血管反应的治疗作用Effect of neostigmine on cardiovascular response during cervical plexus block anesthesia of thyroid surgery
- 一股巨浪冲进了马蒂·利斯的房子。The hurricane surge shouldered into Martin Liss's house.
- 利伐斯的明rivastigmine<胆碱酯酶抑制药, 阿尔茨海默病治疗药>
- 让人捉摸不定的马丁·利斯正在把整个事情葬送掉。Weird Martin Liss was going to blow the whole thing.
- 溴地斯的明distigmine bromide
- 弗朗西·利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?Will Frances Liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro?
- 斯的明Proserine
- 莱利斯: 我们建立了一个清帐小组,这样就可以把旧球人的欠债理出来。Leslie: We set up a consortium whereby we could sort out the debts of the old club.
- 特斯的明terestigmine<抗胆碱酯酶药>
- 埃德蒙的唯一回答是:“范妮必须有一匹马。”诺利斯太太对此不能理解。"Fanny must have a horse." was Edmund's only reply, Mrs Norris could not see it in the same light.
- 酶斯的明ambenonium chloride
- 依斯的明Eptastigmine
- 我很愉快地记得:几乎是18年前,从英国拳击新闻预览过他的首次与“快拳手”詹姆斯?利斯的重量级之战。I fondly remember previewing his heavyweight debut against James" Quick" Tillis for Britain's Boxing News nearly18 years ago.
- 吡斯的明[医] mestinon; pyridostigmine
- 韦斯莱家的车,直到它飞进霍格沃茨旁边的禁忌森林中。它的灵感来自罗琳同学肖恩·利斯的车。Car owned by the Weasley family up until it fled to the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts, it was inspired by the car owned by her school friend Sean Harris.
- 地斯的明[化] distigmine