- 利兹队是个好队.Leeds was/were the better team.
- 利兹队是个好队。Leeds was/were the better team.
- 慢跑是个好习惯。你以前参加过田径队吗?Jogging is a good hobby. Have you ever been on a track team?
- 让利兹队有雪耻机会的比赛.give Leeds their revenge
- 星期天与利兹队决一雌雄的比赛Sunday's crunch game with Leeds
- 运动选手总是很受欢迎,但我不知道相扑队是不是。。。。Jock is usually popular, but I do not know about the sumo wrestlers....
- 我们队赢得冠军是个好消息。It is a good news that our team has won the championship.
- 本周末利兹队将在主场进行比赛。Leeds are playing at home this weekend.
- 明天旱晨大概是个好天气。It ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning.
- 在西班牙联赛中,巴塞罗那队是马德里竞技队最有力的竞争对手。Barcelona were Atletico Madrid's closest challengers in Spain League.
- 纽卡斯尔队以四比零战胜利兹队。Newcastle beat Leeds four nil/by four goals to nil.
- 责任到人是个好办法。It is a good idea to allocate a specific duty to a specific person.
- 利兹队欢庆以6比1大胜切尔西队.Leeds celebrated their 6-1 thrashing of Chelsea.
- 珍妮是个好姑娘,她那顿脾气很反常。Jane is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character.
- 利兹队的球迷在激情高昂地呐喊助威。The Leeds supporters were in full cry.
- 你认为这是个好主意?Do you think that's a good idea?
- 切尔西队被利兹队以6比1打得一败涂地.Chelsea were thrashed 6-1 by Leeds.
- 切尔西队被利兹队以6 比1 打得一败涂地.Chelsea were thrashed 6-1 by Leeds.
- 他是个好教师,但却不是个很好的纪律执行者。He's a good teacher but he's not much of a disciplinarian.
- 利兹队和利物浦队明天加赛一场以决胜负。Leeds and Liverpool play off tomorrow.