- 形状shape
- 几何形状geometrical shape
- 与投资密切相关的钢坯、钢材、成品油、初级形状的塑料等原料性商品进口量均下降。Less orders were placed for products which were closely depended on the investment climate, such as billet, rolled steel, refined oil and plastic in primary form.
- 所有督察在其职级服务4年后,须参加一个初级指挥课程。Inspectors attend the Junior Command Course after serving four years in the ranks.
- 云的形状激起我的兴趣。The shapes of clouds intrigue me.
- 形状工具shape tool
- 该项发明仍处于初级阶段。The invention is still in its infancy.
- 形状的figurate(d)
- 排连干部要初级步兵学校毕业。Platoon or company officers should be graduates of junior infantry schools.
- 我国正处于社会主义初级阶段。China is currently in the primary stage of socialism.
- 13盎司一瓶的威士忌酒一小瓶酒,形状适合于放在衣服口袋里A small bottle of liquor, shaped to fit in a pocket.
- 他是一个实习初级律师。He is a practise solicitor.
- 不同形状difformity
- 石油输出国组织的胜利鼓舞了输出其它初级产品而不是输出石油的国家。The success of OPEC has inspired countries exporting primary products other than oil.
- 不同形状的difform
- 初级电工junior electrician
- 变形形状扭曲A distortion in shape.
- 我国将长期处于社会主义初级阶段。China will stay in the primary stage of socialism for a long period of time.
- 变形形状的扭曲A distortion of shape.
- 初级汉字Elementary Knowledge on Chinese Characters