- 私人保健医生medical attendant
- 赵进帮:坦克火控系统的"保健医生"Zhao Jinbang: A "doctor" for fire control system of tanks
- 初级保健业务研究;PHC; Primary Health Care Operations Research;
- TMIS中央主机系统的保健医生-ASG-TMONASG-TMON-Doctor of TMIS Central Mainframe System
- 初级保健管理与监管Primary Health Care Management and Commissioning
- 阿拉木图初级保健宣言;Alma-Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care;
- 实际上,我们不知道他的保健医生最后曾给予何种治疗,不过病人手指感觉异常没有进一步发作。It is not known in fact what treatment was eventually given by his general practitioner, But he apparently had no further episode of paraesthesiae.
- 亚洲初级保健训练中心;Asian Training Centre for Primary Health Care;
- 初级保健primary health care
- 医生为她的肿瘤开刀。The surgeon operated on her for a tumor.
- 医生已拔掉了我的坏牙。The doctor has taken my bad tooth out.
- 初级保健制度primary health-care system
- 医生想用床单权作裹尸布。The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud.
- 初级保健医院Primary care hospital
- 他并不是一个高明的外科医生。He is not much of a surgeon.
- 医生开了一剂口服药。The doctor prescribed an oral dose of medicine.
- 妇幼保健院maternal and child care service centre
- 医生把绷带绑得太紧。The doctor tied the bandage too tight.
- 医疗保健medical care
- 他们是合格的精神病医生。They are psychiatrists in good standing.