- 初学乍练作为初学者或在某人职业的开端学着做To learn or do as a beginner or at the start of one's career.
- 乍suddenly
- 乍一看at the first blush
- 她已整整一年没有练钢琴了。She has been out of practice on the piano for a whole year.
- 乍看at first glance
- 初学游泳的人a novice at swimming
- 锻练身体harden the body
- 这些书主要是供初学的人使用的。These books are primarily designed for the use of beginners.
- 他天天练小提琴。He does his practice on the violin every day.
- 他比多数初学驾驶的人开得好。He drives better than most beginners.
- 乍看之下,这男孩似乎很腼腆。At first appearance the boy seemed very shy.
- 她年轻时练过体操。When she was young she practiced gymnastics.
- 初学滑冰beginner
- 乍一想,这一计划还相当实用。At first thought, the plan was quite practical.
- 经常锻练使身体适应剧烈活动。Regular exercise conditions the body for strenuous activity.
- 要把马练好,缰绳靴刺少不了。It is the bridle and spur that makes a good horse.
- 我乍看似有道理。I see a prima facie reason for it.
- 这件事乍看起来不怎么重要。The matter appeared at first view of little moment.
- 半练half degumming
- 歌唱家们正在做音乐会前的练唱。The singers are warming up before the concert.