- 我国第一代高透明聚乙烯热收缩印刷膜开发成功Newly high-transparent PE hot shrink print film
- 黑莓和红树莓初代培养研究Study on Primary Culture of the Blackberry and the American Red Raspberry
- 高达attain
- 初junior
- 钙果初代组织培养技术研究Study on the Technique of Fruit Tree Tissue Culture
- 提取BEAS-2B经矿粉诱导后第25代高剂量组细胞及对照组同代数正常细胞的mRNA后逆转录标记cDNA探针,与Affymetrix公司U133 plusRNAs from BEAS-MD-25 and BEAS-2B cells were extracted for reversed transcription cDNA probes.
- 高清high definition
- 他的脉搏高达每分钟一百次。His pulse was at as high as a hundred.
- 银胶菊初代组织培养技术研究Primary Culture of Guayule
- 高的lofty
- 行高height of row
- 影响兔眼越橘初代培养的因素分析Investigation of Factors for Inducing Vaccinium ashei Reade to Microproagate
- 高科技high technology
- 高等higher
- 新铁炮百合自交初代的遗传多样性分析The Allozyme Analysis of the Genetic Differentiation in Self-inbred Early Generations of Lilium longiflorum Hort
- 历史上所测到的最大波浪在太平洋中高达三十四米。The largest measured wave in history rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.
- 重楼属植物初代培养过程中无菌培养物的建立Establishment of Aseptic Culture Material in the Initiation Culture of Paris
- 这些山高达5 000英尺。The mountains rise to 5,000 feet.
- 热水浴预处理对马蹄莲初代培养过程中污染的控制Hot-water Pretreatment Reduces the Contamination in Initial Cultural Stage of Zantedeschia
- 在墙壁的一面有个高达天花板的书架。On one wall there is a bookcase that reaches to the ceiling.