- 他们把积蓄化在创办生意上。They used their savings for the establishment of the business.
- 联合国的开支是经过全体会员国参加的严格程序决定的。UN spending is determined through a rigorous process involving all Member States.
- 他打算创办一份报纸。He is thinking of starting a newspaper.
- 怎样才能使会员国履行其财政义务?What can be done to make Member States fulfil their financial obligations?
- 创办学校to found a college
- 把低度优先领域及行政服务的资源调拨给会员国确定为更优先的领域。Reallocating resources from low priority areas and administrative services to higher priority areas identified by Member States.
- 创办一所大学to establish a university
- 没有世卫组织会员国完全退出,只有极少数国家提出保留。No WHO Member State has completely opted out, and only a very small number made reservations.
- 创办直接为奥运服务的报刊。Newspapers that specialize in covering the Olympic Games will also be established.
- 静止借款国:指目前并未向世界银行寻求新的贷款的会员国。"inactive borrower, nonactive borrower: Country that is not currently seeking new borrowings from the Bank."
- 创办一项新事业to start a new business
- 接纳会员国admitted member
- 创办学院to found a college
- 第8条会员国member states of Article Ⅷ
- 那个政党创办一份报纸来宣传该党的观点。The political party started the newspaper to propagate its ideas.
- 会员国政府[法] member government
- 创办一个新公司to float a new business company
- 全体会员国all Member States
- 这所学院是由一位华侨赞助创办的。This college was founded under the auspices of an overseas Chinese.
- 历年来一些会员国受到这一处罚。Various Members have suffered this sanction over the years.