- 切不可草率行事.Hasty action is to be deprecated.
- 切不可草率行事。Hasty action is to be deprecated.
- 切不可草率?惺?Hasty action is to be deprecated.
- 不要草率行事,要三思而行。Think twice before doing anything rash.
- 对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事。As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously.
- 不可cannot
- 大事糊涂的;在大额金钱上或大事上草率行事的unwise in dealing with large sums of money or large matters
- 埃特: 引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神。Ate: the goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment.
- 不可避免ineluctability
- 不可缺少的indispensable
- 不可缺少indispensable
- 医生说他切不可抬重物。The doctor said he must not lift heavy weights.
- 不可替代的irreplaceable
- 你看起来是个精明干练的人,不过如果仔细观察,其实你只是对于自己在意的事情才会锱铢必较,至于其它自己不太重视,或觉得不重要的事情就神经大条,总是草率行事,显得粗枝大叶。You seem that a shrewd and capable person to analyze the person choosing D , but observe carefully, you in fact can haggle over every penny to thing that oneself take notice of, as for other very much pay attention to by oneself, or always act carelessly , seem careless on the old one of nerve in thing that does not feel important.
- 我们应该十分谨慎,切不可将此解救成功说成是一场胜利。We must be very careful not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory
- 他总是草率行事。He behaves in a brash way.
- 我们切不可低估未来的挑战。We must not underestimate the challenges which lie ahead.
- 切不可耍小聪明。None of your little games!
- 切勿草率行事。Do not undertake this on the cheap.
- 我们切不可满足于仅仅有一点点书本知识。We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only.