- l请随时按照正确的程序操作。Always use proper Lockout/Tagout procedures.
- 颜色分级用棉分级室的照明的标准操作规程Standard Practice for Lighting Cotton Classing Rooms for Color Grading
- 他会操作这台机器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- φ分级标准φ grade scale
- L阵L-array
- 给所得税分级banding the tax
- 学会熟练地操作电脑是不容易习得的。The skilful operation of a computer is hard to learn.
- 到LDao L
- (分级)旋流器classifying cyclone
- 大量家务活可用机械化操作。A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
- K-LKarhunen-Loeve
- 气流分级air classification
- L梁L girder
- 这台机器很难操作。This machine is awkward to handle.
- 把苹果按质分级to staple apples according to the quality
- L阀L loop seal
- 已告诉工人要提高操作水平。The workers have been told to improve their operating level.
- 按大小分级机size grader
- L株L strain
- 操作走廊operating aisle