- 三权分立separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers
- 制动阀brake valve
- 制动阀杆brake valve kon
- 公司分立separation of a company
- 制动阀芯brake valve spool
- 分立器件discrete device
- 手制动阀hand brake valve
- 气制动阀Pneumatic brake valve
- 分立元件discrete component
- 制动阀测试brake valve testing
- γ射线分立源discrete source of γ-ray radiation
- 自动制动阀automatic brake valve
- 变分立方variational cube
- 弹性制动阀spring brake valve
- 分立射电源discrete radio source
- 快动制动阀direct admission valve
- 三权分立制度system of separation of three power
- 脱轨制动阀derail brake valve
- 公司分立与解散separation and dissolution of a company
- 单独制动阀independent brake valve