- 几人分时使用度假住房的方法Arrangement in which a holiday home is owned jointly by several people who agree to use it each at different times of the year
- 使用to use
- 分时time-sharing
- 时hour
- 分minute
- 他们在西班牙有一套分时使用的度假房。They have a timeshare in Spain.
- 指某种术语,常常在讨论区别不同实体或系统的特征时使用。A term sometimes used when discussing the characteristics that distinguish different entities or systems.
- 她当时使用什么化名?What name was she passing under at the moment?
- 分时光谱time-resolved spectrum
- 那仪器是在白天飞越水域时使用的。The instrument is used when fly overwater in the daytime.
- 分时图Time Index Chart
- 分时量time-sharing quantum
- 一种照相时使用的能产生瞬间强光的灯。a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph.
- 分时脾lobulated spleen
- 分时型time sharing mode
- 分时制timeshared basis
- 分时库[计] TSL
- 分时管time share tube
- 所有分页信息都会写入工作表中,供打印机分页时使用。All page break information is written into the worksheet for printer pagination.
- 分时机制TDMA