- 分子靶Molecular target
- 标prize
- 分子靶点molecular target
- 急性白血病分子治疗新靶标:信号转导途径的"单击"或"多击"策略New targets for molecular therapy of acute leukemia: a "single-hit" or "multiple-hit" strategy against signaling pathway
- 分子靶确认Molecular targeting credentialing
- 上标superscript
- 分子靶向疗法Targeted molecular therapy
- 微靶标Micro-sphere target
- 分子靶向治疗molecular targeted therapy
- 靶标酶target enzyme
- 分子靶向药物Molecular Targeting Drug
- 靶标发现Target discovery
- 原发性肝癌的分子靶向治疗Molecular Targeted Therapy for Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- 靶标害虫Target pest
- 新分子靶点的抗癌药物研究New Molecular Target based Anticancer Drugs
- 位错靶标alternate location target
- 靶标设计drone design
- 转移性肾细胞癌分子靶向治疗研究进展The Development of Molecular Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
- 靶标跟踪drone tracking
- 加强我国肺癌分子靶向治疗基础和临床研究More attention should be devoted to molecular target therapy of lung cancer in our country