- 分别善恶distinguish good from evil
- 辨别善恶的树tree of good and evil
- 分别善恶数的果实The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
- 区别善恶的树tree of knowledge
- 只是分别善恶树上的果子、你不可、因为你的日子必定死。But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.
- 秋天里所有的农民都喜气洋洋地从自家的树上收摘苹果。In autumn all the peasants are happy to pick apples from their own trees.
- 使人分别善恶的智慧之树the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
- 伦理教条认为感觉是善恶的唯一标准。the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good.
- 传说中负责记录人的善恶的天使a recording angel
- 永远铭刻在我记忆中的一幅风景画;在冬日天空的衬托下轮廓清晰的树A landscape that is forever etched in my memory; trees that were etched against the winter sky.
- 因此我们必须达致一个辩明是非善恶的共同准则。We must therefore evolve a global consensus on what is good and evil and what is right and wrong.
- 不办善恶的[法] indiscriminate
- 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree.
- 伦理教条认为感觉是善恶的唯一标准the ethical doctrine that feeling is the only criterion for what is good
- 当狡猾欺诈蒙骗的手法翻新后,百姓对辨解真伪善恶的能力就减弱矣。When the tricks were innovated, people's discretion of goodness and evilness, the true and the false were weakened.
- 这一段河面总是有阴影,因为河两岸的树都伸到河面上来了。The river is always shady here because trees hang over from either side.
- 什么样的树结什么样的果。Different trees bear different fruits.
- 她画了一排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律。She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.
- 这两棵树的树顶树枝相互交织在一起。The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another.
- 草坪周围长着的树trees fringed the lawn