- 圆锥滚子轴承及推力调心滚子轴承大挡边球面曲率半径的设计改进Improvement on Design of Curvature Radius of Sphere Surface on Big Rib for Tapered Roller Bearings or Spherical Thrust Roller Bearings
- 曲率半径curvature radius
- 迈克耳逊干涉仪-牛顿环干涉法测定球面镜曲率半径的讨论A Discussion on Measurement of Curvature Radius of Spherical Mirror through Michelson Interferometer-Newton's Ring Interference
- 仿射曲率半径radius of affine curvature
- 相对曲率半径relative radius of curvature
- 曲率半径法radius-of-curvature method
- 坝顶上游面曲率半径upstream radius of crest
- 侧面曲率半径flank radius
- 沟曲率半径radius of groove curvity
- 短曲率半径short-radius
- 渐开线齿轮点蚀位置的确定及其计算综合曲率半径的误差修正The Definition and Calculation of the Location of Spot Erosion for Involute Gear Correction of the Errors for the Composite Curve Radius
- 透镜曲率半径curvature radius of lens
- 峰顶曲率半径rcurvature radius of peak crest r
- 第二曲率半径radius of second curvature
- 第一曲率半径first curvature radius
- 当量曲率半径equivalent curvature radius
- 射线曲率半径radius of curvature acoustics; ray acoustics
- 巩膜曲率半径scleral radius
- 有效曲率半径effective radius of curvature
- 顶点曲率半径paraxial radius