- 份额lot
- 市场份额market share
- 不知贵方能否增加出资份额?I am just wondering if you can increase your share of the total investment?
- 该公司希望增加其市场份额。The company hopes to boost its market share.
- 那些为直接渲染色情的电视节目出资和举办类似艺术展览的公司?Companies that sponsor sexually explicit TV show or art exhibitions?
- 对应出资counterpart funding
- 技术出资Technology investment
- 扩大市场份额extending volume growth
- 出资责任financial responsibilities
- 份额,部分A share or portion.
- 出资瑕疵capital contribution flaw
- 保留份额Reserved Quota (RQ)
- 房地出资contribution by real estate
- 份额.Amount or portion allotted
- 债权出资credit subscribed capital
- 这个公司正在为恢复其市场份额(占有率)而奋斗。The company is fighting to retrieve its market share.
- 劳务出资service contribution
- 无限份额indefinite share
- 学校出资,他们旅行一次。They took a trip at the expense of the college.
- 残余份额residual share