- 虽说是初生牛犊不怕虎,但也要量力而行,不能莽撞。As the saying goes "a baby calf is not afraid of a tiger". However, you should act according to your abilities.
- [谚] 初生牛犊不怕虎。Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers -- young people are fearless.
- 那个有钱人在他出生的城镇创办了一家医院和一所学校。The rich man founded a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.
- 出生的natal
- 你们躺卧在象牙床上,舒身在榻上,吃群中的羊羔,棚里的牛犊。That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall;
- 凭着初生牛犊不怕虎的劲头,刘春慧和搭档最终获得了大赛三等奖。With a courage that came from her inexperience, Liu Chunhui and her partner breezed through every round of the competition. In the end, they won third prize.
- 毕加索出生的房子现在是一个博物馆,放满了他的艺术品。The house where Picasso was born is now a museum full of his art.
- 剥制的牛犊皮tulchan
- 加填料的牛犊肉stuffed veal
- 这是我出生的城市。This is the city where I was born.
- 用作肉食的牛犊的肝脏。liver of a calf used as meat.
- 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人A true cockney is born within the sound of the bell of St Mary-Le-Bow Church
- 用作肉食的牛犊的舌头。the tongue of a calf eaten as meat.
- 我的妹妹是一九三八年出生的。My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.
- 一两岁的牛犊stirk
- 刚出生的小孩长得快。Babies who are small at birth are apt to grow fast.
- 美国经济走势强劲,新兴亚洲也是一付初生牛犊不怕虎的架势,只有欧洲一如既往,奢侈时尚、酒佳肴仍是它的标志,但工业落后,观念陈旧。Compared with the awesome strength of America and the raw power of emerging Asia, Europe is sometimes portrayed as a has-been, excelling in luxury goods, fine food, wines and fashion but weighed down by too many old industries and old ideas.
- 新出生的小羊羔a yeanling lamb
- 他的姿态就象一头初生的牛犊那样笨拙。He is as ungainly as a new born calf.
- 请再告诉我一次: 你是在约克郡出生的吧?Just refresh my memory: were you born in York?