- 情况situation
- 从商周乐器的出土情况看其与祭祀活动之关系The Unearthed Musical Instruments of the Shang and West Zhou Dynasties: How the Way They Buried Reflects the Sacrificing Rite
- 实际情况practical situation
- 在这种情况下in such a case
- 工作情况going
- 情况说明letter of presentation; letter of presentation
- 基本情况fundamental state
- 看情况as the case may be
- 紧急情况emergency
- 特殊情况unique feature
- 一般情况下generally speaking
- 使用情况condition of service
- 具体情况concrete condition
- 销售情况sales status
- 进展情况state of play
- 正常情况normal condition (state)
- 大多数情况下in most cases
- 完成情况performance
- 一般情况general run of things
- 了解情况go and find out what's going on