- 出售经典篮球鞋学质量.Sell classical basketball shoes in AAA quality.
- 质量quality
- 我朋友告诉我这里有"阿迪达斯"牌篮球鞋,是吗?My friend told me there are"Addidas"basketball shoes here, right?
- 中医药治疗糖尿病患者周围神经病变临床随机对照试验的方法学质量评估Methodological Evaluation of Randomized Controlled Trials of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment by Chinese Medicine Herb
- 质量管理quality control
- 流行病学epidemiology
- 质量的molar
- 免疫学immunology
- 金融学Finance and Banking
- 这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.
- 质量保证quality assurance
- 在学residence
- 这些鞋是防水的。These shoes are waterproof.
- 生活质量quality of life (QOL)
- 商学comercial science
- 保证质量guaranteed quality
- 市场营销学marketing
- 你认为这些鞋能以30美元的价格出售吗?Do you think that the shoes could retail for %2430?
- 产品质量quality of product
- 组织行为学organization behavioristics