- 保税货值bonded value
- 货值提单ad valore bill of lading
- 空调是日本许多出口商品中的一种。Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
- 存货值value of stock
- 关栈货值bonded value
- "出口"两字写在门上。The word "exit" was lettered on the door.
- 货值金额value of products
- 进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税。A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.
- 净货值条款net value clause
- 哪儿是出口?Where is the exit?
- 这个国家出口大量原油。The country exports lots of crude oil.
- 在发票中,标明货值少于实际货值。Under invoicing, declaring less than the actual value of goods.
- 履行约束:不能履行信用证扣除货值2%Performance Bond: 2 %25 for shipment value with POP against non operative lc%25
- 这封信主要是关于出口商品的。The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.
- net salvage (指海难后的残货值)净残值
- 橡胶是该国主要出口物。Rubber is the country's principal export.
- 禁运对出口总收入有很大的影响。The embargo impacted on export revenues.
- 我通常从欧洲供应商那里得到进口货值的百分之五的佣金。From European suppliers I usually get a 5%25 commission on my imports.
- 无出口剩余unavailability of exportable surplus
- 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口物资之一。Wool is one of the chief exports of Australia.