- 那样的话,只要我们坚持不让步,他就会按我的出价卖机器?So if we play tough,he'll sell his machines at my bid price?
- 持股的不想卖股,持币的不愿买股,于是,地量的出现就很容易理解了。The shareholders do not want to sell shares, cash will not buy the shares, then, to the emergence of the volume it is very easy to understand.
- 股thigh
- 卖to sell
- 出价卖,投标争取 ... 的营造权,企图获得to make a bid for ...
- 警方拘留了一名法国邮差网上运行的背后卖股头发,小小的一幅布据称来自埃及法老王的木乃伊西斯二。Police detained a French postman behind an Internet operation selling strands of hair and tiny pieces of cloth allegedly taken from the mummy of Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II.
- 卖出average
- 入股become a shareholder
- 个股individual share
- 外卖take-out
- 新股new share
- 热卖sell fast
- 一股a jet of
- 卖掉surplus
- 招股raise capital by floating shares
- 特卖sell
- 持股share-holding
- 卖点selling point
- 美股stock in America
- 卖场sales field