- 近日,澳大利亚的科学家们建议进口外表凶猛的沙锥齿鲨并放入澳大利亚东海岸,这一提议立即吓坏了海滩游客和安保部门。In a scheme that smacks of carrying coal to Newcastle, scientists have proposed importing sharks to Australia's east coast- causing consternation among tourism and beach safety authorities.
- 锥齿鲨raggedtooth shark
- 沙锥齿鲨nurse shark; gray nurse
- 三尖锥齿鲨blue nurse; shark
- 砂sand
- 磨砂frosted (e.g. glass)
- 黑边锥齿鲨blacktipshark
- 喷砂spray sand
- 齿tooth
- 锥awl
- 鲨shark
- 砂光sanding
- 砂带abrasive band
- 锥体cone
- 斜齿鲨酸scoliodonic acid
- 喷砂机peening machine
- 粗砂grit
- 啮齿动物rodent
- 大白鲨Jaws - 1975
- 齿圈gear ring