- 形体似虎,白色,凶猛无比,因此成为尊贵的象征。Distinguishing may tiger, white, violent incomparable, and therefore become a distinguished symbol.
- 无比matchless
- 凶猛fierce
- 无比的matchless
- 凶猛的lupine
- 他英勇无比。He is unrivaled in bravery.
- 他遭到野兽的凶猛袭击。He was savaged by wild animals.
- 这只花瓶的做工精美无比。The vase is of matchless workmanship.
- 马对他们凶猛地乱踢。The horse kicked out at them fiercely.
- 羞愧无比abyss of shame
- 那头凶猛的狮子一下子就挣脱了锁链。The fierce lion burst free from the chains.
- 这只游艇确实精美无比。This yacht is really a gem.
- 凶猛的狮子a savage lion
- 他邪恶无比。He is evil out and out.
- 这次台风来势凶猛。The oncoming force of the typhoon was ferocious.
- 无比地incomparably
- 凶猛的狗a fierce dog
- 这是一个无比诙谐的说书人。This is a storyteller of infinite jest.
- 那凶猛的一击使他站立不稳。The fellness of the blow staggered him.
- 他以无比的勇气面对他的敌人。He faced his enemy with unequaled courage.