- 凭此券可优惠10便士.10p off if you use this coupon
- 凡持有赠券购物100元以上者,凭此券可享受九折优惠,但不包括每周特价商品和清仓处理货品。This voucher entitles the bearer to 10%25 off any purchases over RMB 100 yuan. Excludes weekly advertised specials and selected clearance lines.
- 预订的确可以打折,优惠10%。We do offer special rates for a reservation.There's a 10%25 discount.
- 如果消费总值超过此券标注金额,请以现金支付差额。If the total amount spent exceeds the value of the voucher ,the difference will be absorbed by the bearer.
- 这机器只收10便士的硬币。The machine only accepts 10p coins.
- 一经购买后,储税券可获支付利息。Once purchased, Tax Reserve Certificates TRCs are interest bearing.
- 还可以向世卫组织书店订购出版物的印刷版本,发展中国家的读者可优惠订购。Printed copies can be ordered from the WHO Bookshop, which offers discounts on orders from developing countries.
- 董事会会上推荐股息数每股10便士。The board meeting recommend a dividend of 10p a share.
- 凭此whereby
- 假如股价为50便士,全年股息为10便士,则收益为20%。If the shares cost 5Op and the total annual dividend is lop the yield is 20%25.
- 创可贴Woundplast
- 凭此优势by this advantage
- 汽油的价格每加仑减去10便士take 10 pence off a gallon of the price of petrol
- 鉴于此Given this
- 可预见的foreseeable
- 可充电chargeable
- 他任凭此事逐渐自行大白于天下。He left the matter to clarify gradually by itself.
- 把一枚10便士的硬币投入孔中.put a 10p coin in the slot
- 现授权你方凭此信用证向我方银行按发票金额开立60天的远期汇票。You are authorized to draw a 60days draft on our bank against this credit for the amount of our invoice.
- 这男孩花了10便士买巧克力糖。The boy spent 10 pennies on chocolate.