- 凝集素agglutinin
- 全排集合点名。The platoon mustered for roll call.
- 凝集agglutinate
- 队长命令士兵们排队集合。The captain ordered the men to fall in.
- H凝集H agglutination
- 让士兵集合to muster soldiers
- H凝集素H agglutinin
- 在特定位置内来往的车辆的集合体。the aggregation of vehicles coming and going in a particular locality.
- T凝集素T agglutinin
- 偶然的社交集合A casual social gathering.
- 免疫凝集素immune agglutinin
- 在学校礼堂集合assemble in the school hall
- 细菌凝集一团。The bacteria clumped together.
- 旅客集合muster of passengers
- Vi凝集反应Vi agglutination
- 集合的补the complement of sets
- 白蛋白凝集抗体albumin agglutinating antibody
- 班长通知大家明天上午八点半集合。The monitor informs everyone to assemble at half past eight tomorrow morning.
- 凝集作用从亲液胶体中分离出的一串微粒A cluster of droplets separated out of a lyophilic colloid.
- 函数集合之间的函数。(mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions.