




准准 [zhǔn]
  • - (标准) standard; guideline; criterion; norm:

    level; standard; 水准

    take this as the criterion or model 以此为准

    - (目标) aim; target:

    take aim; hit the target 瞄准

  • - (依据; 依照) follow; act up to:

    to be settled by following precedent 准前例处理

    - (准许) permit; grant; allow; approve:

    ratify; sanction; approve; 批准

    permit of no delay; 不准拖延

  • - (准确) accurate; exact; precise:

    There is a slight inaccuracy in this blueprint. 这张蓝图有点不准。

    The quartz watch keeps good time. 石英表走时准。

    - (可靠) reliable; dependable:

    one's words are not dependable; 说话不准

    unpredictable temperament 没准脾气

    - (程度上虽不完全够,但可以作为某类事物看待的) quasi-; para-:

    a quasi-judicial body; 准司法机关

    paramilitary organization 准军事组织

  • - (一定) definitely; certainly; surely:

    That is definitely wrong. 那准不对。

    They will surely succeed. 他们准能成功。



  1. 他能准确流利地说英语。
    He can speak English fluently and accurately.
  2. 该报告建议安全标准应该改进。
    The report advances the suggestion that safety standards should be improved.
  3. 国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准。
    National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.
  4. 道德标准是否有所改进?
    Have standards of morality improved?
  5. 我们对道德标准看法不一致。
    We differ about moral standards.
  6. 这位老师给他的学生们定下高标准。
    The teacher sets high standard for his pupils.
  7. 我们应该建立高标准的卫生标准。
    We should establish high standards of cleanliness.
  8. 风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。
    The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.


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