- 第三,监管局已经应我们的要求,发出更新的作业守则,提醒地产代理必须向准买家发放准确的资料。Third, the EAA has, at our request, issued updated practice circulars to remind estate agents of their responsibility to provide accurate information to prospective buyers.
- 准standard
- 为确保准买家能获得未建成住宅物业全面而足够的销售资料,政府在二零零一年八月成立委员会,监察未建成住宅物业销售说明书所提供的资料,以提高对消费者的保障。In order to ensure the provision of comprehensive and sufficient sales information of uncompleted residential properties to potential purchasers, the Government set up a committee in August 2001 to monitor information contained in sales brochures of uncompleted residential flats to enhance consumer protection.
- 不准prohibit
- 准的quasi
- 为准be as the criterion
- 准点on schedule
- 精准accurate
- 以此为准take this as the standard
- 以结关为准on a customs clearance basis
- 准妈妈mother-to-be
- 准直collimation
- 配准registering
- 准新娘bride-to-be
- 卸货重量为准landed weight final
- 拿不准doubt
- 精准制precision system
- 找准capturing
- 认准firmly believe
- 准据法proper law