- 冻果中味道最美的要数冻梨,它外表黝黑,硬如铁蛋,一咬一道白Of frozen fruits, the best-liked is the frozen pear which has a black, oily skin. Hard as an iron egg, the teeth will leave only a whitish mark on the skin when one tries to have a bite.
- 吃冻梨要先把它放入凉开水中缓解,刚入水的梨会在表皮上结一层厚厚的冰,不多久就会软化。The way to eat a frozen pear is to first immerse it in cold boiled water. The pear will soon be coated with ice and then soften up gradually.
- 冻to freeze
- 鳄梨avocado
- 冻干freeze-dry
- 山梨醇sorbierite
- 酪梨avocado
- 冻融freeze thawing
- 山梨sorbus
- 严寒将果树的花冻坏了。Bitter frosts nipped the blossoms of the fruit trees.
- 山梨酸sorbic acid
- 冻裂frost cleft
- 香梨bergamot pear
- 冻干机freezedryer
- 他的脸冻得发痛。The cold pinched his face.
- 刺梨Rosa roxburghii Tratt.
- 他们的耳朵冻得发红了。Cold turned their ears pink.
- 山梨糖醇sorbitol
- 冻坏frost damage
- 梨形shaped like a pear