- 包腰扎机binder machine
- 冷扎不锈钢cold rolled stainless steel
- 机machine
- 定子绑扎机stator lacing machine
- 变尺度混沌遗传算法及其在冷扎参数化中的应用Application of Mutative Scale Chaos Genetic Algorithm on the Optimization of the Rolling Parameters for Continuous Cold Strip Rolling
- 型钢扎机shape rolling mill
- 冷扎带助钢筋(凭许可证经营)、钢筋拉丝加工,钢材批发。Lengzha to help steel (licensed operation), steel wiredrawing processing, steel wholesale.
- 脱机off-line
- 气动筋网绑扎机Pneumatic tool for tying bar and mesh
- 冷血coldblooedness
- 扎to bind
- 水冷water-cool
- 饮水机bubbler
- 死机system halted
- 变冷chill
- 压机press
- 风冷wind cooling
- 接机meet sb. at the airport
- 绑扎colligation
- 冷媒coolant(medium)