- 冰冻超薄切片机youltramicrotome
- 冰冻超薄切片术ultracryotomy
- 电镜超薄切片Ultrathin section of transmission electron microscope
- 连续超薄切片Serial ultrathin sections
- 小鼠早期胚胎细胞超薄切片制备法Preparing method of extra-thin slice of early stage embryonal cell of mouse
- 冰冻freeze
- 培养细胞透射电镜超薄切片制备方法Specimen preparation of culture cell for transmission electron microscopic observation
- 冰冻的frigorific
- 超薄切片机使用术,超薄切片法The preparation of specimens with a microtome.
- 超薄be ultra-thin
- 冰冻切片frozen section
- 八周后断头处死 ,取腺垂体组织 ,常规制备超薄切片 ,铀 -铅染色 ,透射电镜观察。the adenohypophysis tissues were taken and made into ultrathin section(50nm) conventionally,and observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM).
- 切片,砍To slice or cut.
- 塑胶封袋用来装冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制容器A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.
- 肥皂切片[条]机soap slabber (=soap slab cutter)
- 超薄切片机为作显微镜检查把标本,如有机组织等切成极薄切片的机器An instrument used to cut a specimen, as of organic tissue, into thin sections for microscopic examination.
- 在冰冻的道路撒上砂石to scatter gravel on an icy road
- 正中切面[切片]the median section
- 冰冻路上的汽车事故Car accidents on icy roads.
- 医生们给木乃伊做了切片送到实验室。The doctors removed a section of the mummy and set it to a laboratory.