- 马来西亚佳能销量市场经理。因为热爱旅行,所以走上丝绸之路。这一次,他不是与你谈相机,却要与你分享他影像丝路的经历。Senior Marketing Manager of Canon Malaysia's professional camera division shares his passion for travel and photography. For once, Teoh will focus instead on his recent sojourn to the Silk Road.
- 如果不小心的话,你会在冰上摔倒的。我们在旅途中互相照看If you don't look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.
- 冰ice
- 冰上on ice
- 她在冰上滑倒了。She slipped on the ice.
- 有一样事情谁也不易做到的是,在湿滑的冰上摔到、站起来之后赞美上帝。One of the hardest things for any man to do is to fall down on the ice when it is wet and then get up and praise the lord.
- 那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.
- 在冰上奔跑是不被允许的Running on the ice is inadvisable.
- 冰上芭蕾舞ice ballet
- 在冰上滑了一下后他马上又站稳了He recovered himself after a slip on the ice.
- 冰上运动ice-sports
- 防滑铁齿板一种绑在鞋下或靴子下防滑用的带铁齿的金属板,尤指在冰上A metal frame with a spike or spikes, attached to a shoe or boot to prevent slipping, especially on ice.
- 花样滑冰者在冰上优雅地滑行。The figure skater glided gracefully over the ice.
- 冰上曲棍球ice-hockey player
- 他摔倒在冰上。He fell over on the ice.
- 他在冰上滑行。He slid along the ice.
- 冰上滑行slide on the ice
- 冰上冰nasslood
- 冰上的supraglacial
- 汽车在冰上打了滑。The car went into a slide on the ice.