- 冬天的严寒.the severity of the winter
- 是啊,看得出来。夏天的酷热过去了,冬天的严寒还早呢。Yes, I can see. The summer heat is over, and the winter cold is still far away.
- 漫长冬天的严寒The rigors of a long winter
- 冬天的严寒[处罚的严厉]the rigour of winter [ punishment ]
- 一切都离开了你看到了吗?亮光溜了进来却离开了我永远看不见春天的影子惟独坚信冬天的时光All Has Gone All has gone Can't you see Lights slipped on Out of me Never could see the spring time Only believe in winter
- 一场雪、以及冰雹混杂的严寒暴雨在春天来临之际袭击了美国东岸。A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain has pummeled the East Coast just days before the arrival of spring.
- 去年冬天的一场大雪,导致希思罗机场航班长时间延误。Heavy snowfall last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport.
- 饥饿和刺骨的严寒完成了敌军没有能够做到的事情--打败一支大军。Hunger and the piercing cold accomplished what enemy armies had not been able to do-defeated the Grand Army.
- 随着冬天的到来,白昼短了。With the coming of winter the days get shorter.
- 去年的严寒期last year's big freeze
- 冬天的天气恶劣。The weather in winter is abominable.
- 破窗子使我们置身于零下温度的严寒之中。The broken windows left us exposed to the sub-zero temperatures.
- 冬天的白昼开始长起来了。The winter days are beginning to lengthen out.
- 使人麻木的严寒numbing cold
- 冬天的太阳落得早。The sun sets early in winter.
- 淑女们披着皮裘,绅士们身着大衣,在这凛冽的严寒中欢天喜地地走来走去。Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air.
- 冬天的风会很冷的。In winter the winds can be very cold.
- 如同被刺骨的严寒所征服,Thus, conquered by a tardy frost
- 冬天的风刮得厉害吗?Be wind strong in winter?
- 一场雪、雨以及冰雹混杂的严寒暴雨在春天来临之际袭击了美国东岸。A mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain has pummeled the East Coast just days before the arrival of spring.