- 冬天的一阵流感.a spate of influenza in the winter
- 法庭上掀起的一阵小小的骚动使他从出神的状态中恢复过来。A slight bustle in the court recalled him to himself.
- 一切都离开了你看到了吗?亮光溜了进来却离开了我永远看不见春天的影子惟独坚信冬天的时光All Has Gone All has gone Can't you see Lights slipped on Out of me Never could see the spring time Only believe in winter
- 去年冬天的一场大雪,导致希思罗机场航班长时间延误。Heavy snowfall last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport.
- “比利叔叔的一阵回避性的感叹语”(布雷特·哈特)"a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy" (Bret Harte)
- 随着冬天的到来,白昼短了。With the coming of winter the days get shorter.
- 忧虑是感情的一阵发作。Worry is a spasm of the emotion.
- 冬天的天气恶劣。The weather in winter is abominable.
- 恰似视线之外的一阵风。Like a blast from out of sight.
- 冬天的白昼开始长起来了。The winter days are beginning to lengthen out.
- 想到这个,加上面包圈的一阵甜甜的馨香,使他又欢悦了起来。The thought of this, and a whiff of sugary warmth from the coffee ring, cheered him.
- 冬天的太阳落得早。The sun sets early in winter.
- 背部的一阵剧痛a shooting pain in the back
- 冬天的风会很冷的。In winter the winds can be very cold.
- 我被隔壁突然传来的一阵乐声吵醒。I was woken up by a sudden blast of music from the next room.
- 冬天的风刮得厉害吗?Be wind strong in winter?
- 胸部的一阵刺痛a stab of pain in the chest
- 冬天的一个乾冷的早晨a crisp winter morning
- 久别重逢的一阵欢喜之后,他渐渐把话头引到可怕的后果上去。After the first transports of their meeting were over, he found means by degrees to introduce a discourse on the fatal consequences.
- 有一种冬天的感觉。There is a feel of winter.