- 冤injustice
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 这男孩正患耳疾。The boy is suffering from an affection of the ear.
- 雪冤redress a wrong
- 她在网球场上疾如闪电。She's as quick as lightning on the tennis court.
- 冤死die of despite
- 肠疾intestinal trouble
- 窦娥冤Tradegy of Dou'e
- 疾行pelt
- 抱冤moan
- 白蛋白疾albuminoptysis
- 仇冤hatred
- 肠疾.intestinal disorders
- 冤抑unrighted wrong; unredressed injustice
- 某些耳疾会影响人的平衡能力。Certain ear diseases can affect one's equilibrium.
- 呼冤call for justice; cry one has been wronged
- 不要讳疾忌医。Hide nothing from thy physician.
- 冤桶fool
- 与疾combating disease, inflation, terrorism
- 声冤voice grievances; complain and call for redress