- 军官向中士还了礼.The officer returned the sergeant's salute,ie saluted in reply to such a gesture.
- 老头儿还了礼,就仍旧象先前那样,自己往前走去了。The old man replied, and proceeded on his way as before.
- 正向positive direction
- 30年前他还是孩子的时候就离开了家,从此,他家里人一直没有得到他的消息。He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since.
- 那位军官派了三十名士兵去守火车站。The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 这件事情对社会造成了有害的影响。This event had a pernicious influence on society.
- 他立即还了钱。He paid the money back promptly.
- 背向trailing direction
- 爱因斯坦对科学作出了伟大的贡献。Einstein made a great contribution to science.
- 中士令卫队立正并向检阅官敬礼。The sergeant brought the guards to attention and saluted the inspection officer.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 哎呀! 这还了得!Oh! How outrageous (or terrible, awful)!
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- "怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。""While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew."
- 上尉喀嚓一声立正,向上级军官行军礼。The captain clicked his heels together and saluted his superior officer.
- 他把借的款还了。He repaid the money he had borrowed.
- "厕所还是塞住了,我已经试过用水冲了好几次,但没有效果。""The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work."
- 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.