- 冒认To claim assuming the identity of another person
- 申请apply
- 冒认话者选取impostor selection
- 人总不能说没有乔装冒认的。People are not always what they pretend to be.
- 人家现在可是大官了,你不要冒认官亲。He is a high-level official now; you should not deal with an official relative.
- 冒brave
- 申请单requisition
- 提出申请an application filing
- 申请专利application for patent
- 自认own
- 冒出drop-in
- 申请职位position applied for
- 敝人向贵公司申请担任会计员一事,承蒙回复,十分感谢。I very much appreciate your acknowledgment of my application for the position of accountant.
- 认缴paid in
- 冒风险stick one's chin out
- 申请材料application material; justificatory material; petition material
- 指认point out; identify
- 申请签证apply for a visa; visa application
- 冒口shrink head
- 认股权证warrant