- 上尉Captain
- 冒牌的circumforaneous
- 上尉老是自夸阵前之勇。The captain is always boasting of his military valor.
- 他上了冒牌保险业务员的当。He was taken in by the fake insurance salesman.
- 他被提升到上尉军阶。He was promoted to the rank of captain.
- 警察剥掉了那个冒牌军官偷来的制服。The police divested the pretended officer of his stolen uniform.
- 上尉在门口布了岗。The captain posted guards at the door.
- 在我们加强执法的行动中,也检获了数量庞大的冒牌服装和配件。Vigorous action has also seen a high level of seizures of clothing and accessories bearing false trade marks.
- [英]空军上尉a flight lieutenant
- 他是个冒牌医生。He is a quack doctor.
- 本。福塞特上尉买了一辆不寻常的出租汽车,并已开始一项新的营业。Captain Ben Fawcett has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service.
- 冒牌(adj) fake; imitation
- 上尉任命两名士兵去守卫大门。The captain assigned two soldiers to guard the gate.
- 冒牌手表counterfeit watches
- 上尉是低于少校的一个官阶Captain is an inferior rank to major.
- 冒牌医生fake doctor; false doctor
- 命令上尉投降summon the captain to surrender.
- 冒牌者pretender
- 陆军上尉的阶级比海军上校的低。A captain in the army ranks below a captain in the navy.
- 冒牌品[法] counterfeit