- 有机化合物的含量高常常促使生成泡沫,导致消泡剂的耗量增多。High levels of organic compounds will frequently promote foaming, leading to high consumption of antifoam reagents.
- 量to measure
- 再生剂含炭量carbon on regenerated catalyst
- 铜耗量expense ofcupper
- 硝酸替代盐酸作再生剂在阳浮床中的应用Application of Nitric Acid in Place of Hydrochloric Acid As A Regenerating Agent in Anodic Floating Bed
- 耗new
- 剂dose
- 氢耗量Hydrogen consumption
- 再生剂需要量以床的单位容积所需要的再生剂重量表示。Regenerants requirements are expressed in terms of weight per unit volume of bed.
- 功耗power dissipation
- 可再生能源renewable energy sources
- 排量delivery capacity
- 抑制剂inhibitor
- 量产volume production
- 低值易耗品low priced and easily worn articles
- 胶粘剂cementing compound
- 量的quantitative
- 表面活性剂surface active agent
- 库存量stocks
- 固化剂firming agent