- 窄带成像技术NBI(Narrow Band Imaging)
- 荧光肺部内镜成像术Lung Imaging Fluorescence Endoscopy
- 窄带成像光谱仪image
- 内internal
- 窄带成像Narrow-band technology
- 内镜术endoscopic technic; endoscopic technique; endoscopy
- 大测绘带成像Wide swath imaging
- 鼻内镜术Endoscopy
- 内镜(术)endoscopy
- 内镜术者endoscopists
- 内镜下单环密集套扎术治疗食管静脉曲张病人的观察及护理Observation and nursing care of patients with esophageal varices treated by endoscopic single ring close loop ligature
- 小腿深筋膜下内镜交通支离断术治疗下肢慢性静脉功能不全Subfascial endoscopic perforating veins ablation in treating chronic venous insufficiency of lower extremities
- 治疗内镜术surgical endoscopy
- 内镜套扎术endoscopic band ligation
- 激光内镜术laser endoscopy
- 内镜鼻窦术Endoscopic sinuous surgery
- 内镜缝合术Endoscopic suturing
- 内镜复位术endoscopic reduction
- 内镜割除术endoscopic excision
- 内镜检查术endoscopy