- 内部监控机制internal control mechanism
- 《内部监控规例》Internal Control Regulations
- 监管财务申报制度及内部监控程序Oversight of financial reporting system and internal control procedures
- 监控to monitor
- 规范高校会计基础工作加强高校会计内部监控Strandardizing the Basic Accounting Work, Perfecting and Carrying Out the Internal Control System
- 内部监控internal control
- 公司内部监控internal corporate governance
- 吨位规例tonnage regulations
- 现在不是内部相争的时候。This is not the season for internal quarrels.
- 监控系统supervisory system
- 规例regulations
- 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.
- 编制内部监控政策及程序守则;Prepare policies and procedures manuals;
- 嵌入冰川内部的Located or occurring within a glacier.
- 独立审阅会计及内部监控系统;Independent review of an existing accounting and internal control function;
- 房屋内部the inside of the house
- 实时监控real-time monitoring
- 他是内部审计部主管。He is the manager of the Internal Audit Department.
- 监控设备monitoring aids
- 在地球(内部)深处in the depths of the earth