- 现在不是内部相争的时候。This is not the season for internal quarrels.
- 这些是机密文件。These are confidential documents.
- 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。The easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.
- 我掌握的情报是绝对机密的。The information in my possession is strictly confidential.
- 嵌入冰川内部的Located or occurring within a glacier.
- 我们的领导嘱咐我们要严守机密。Our leader enjoined upon us the necessity for strict secrecy.
- 被切成碎片的机密文件the secret documents that shred
- 房屋内部the inside of the house
- 他是内部审计部主管。He is the manager of the Internal Audit Department.
- 案子涉及官方机密,所以进行秘密审讯。The case involved official secrets, so it was held in camera.
- 在地球(内部)深处in the depths of the earth
- 机密情报/文件confidential information/documents
- 内部备忘录an internal memorandum
- 她向敌特泄露了国家机密。She betrayed state secrets to enemy agents.
- 他们从内部中断了联系。They destroyed communication from within.
- 机密文件重新委托她保管。The classfied documents were recommitted into her keeping.
- 内部类inner class
- 倾向于传递机密消息。prone to communicate confidential information.
- 内部EGRinternal EGR
- 有人指控政府将国家机密件法当作压制报界言论自由手段来使用The government is accused of using the official secrets acting as a means of gagging the press