- 内质网相关降解endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation
- 内质网相关降解丧失loss of endoplasmic reticulumassociated degradation (ERAD)
- 内质网分子伴侣糖调节蛋白94在大鼠酒精性肝损伤中的高表达和意义Expression of endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperone GRP94 in rats with ethanol-induced liver injury
- Rab2处于前高尔基体的中介并承担着从内质网(ER)运输蛋白到高尔基体的任务。The small GTPase Rab2 is a resident of pre-Golgi intermediates and required for protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex.
- 细胞质内的小颗粒,通常由核蛋白体附着的零碎内质网组成a small particle in the cytoplasm of a cell,typically consisting of fragmented endoplasmic reticulum to which ribosomes are attached
- 内质网应激endoplasmic reticulum stress
- 姜黄素对癫痫持续状态后海马内质网应激相关分子表达的影响Effects of Curcumin on the Expression Levels of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Associated Molecules in the Hippocampus after Status Epilepticus
- 池,扁囊构成内质网的囊状小管中的一个One of the saclike vesicles that comprise the endoplasmic reticulum.
- 内质网应激蛋白binding protein
- 内质网应激反应endoplasmic reticulum stress
- DPCPX可促进大鼠海马颗粒细胞内BDNF蛋白表达和诱导海马神经元内质网功能增强。DPCPX can increase BDNF protein expression in the granular cells of rat hippocampus,and induce function enhancement of ER in rat hippocampus neurons.
- 内质网滞留信号ER retrieval signal
- 内质网与阿尔采末病Endoplasmic reticulum and Alzheimers disease
- 肝癌组织中内质网蛋白基因表达及其功能的初步研究Expression of RTN gene and its role in oncogenesis of human hepatocellular carcinoma
- I2 /I1 高低顺序 2小时组 :高尔基体 >内质网 >溶酶体 线粒体 ;The order of I 2/I 1 in 2 hours group is :Golgi>endoplasmic reticulum(ER)>lysosome/mitochondria;
- 内质网分子伴侣GRP78endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperon GRP78
- 内质网应激与心血管疾病Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Cardiovascular Disease
- HAP的凋亡诱发功能对其内质网定位的依赖性The Apoptosis-Inducing Function of HAP Depends on Its ER Localization
- 内质网应激与神经元退行性变ER stress involves in neuronal degeneration
- 内质网滞留型抗明胶酶胞内抗体的基因表达及对肿瘤细胞侵袭和增殖的抑制作用Gene expression of endoplasmic reticulum-retained anti-gelatinase intrabody and its inhibition of cancer cell invasion and proliferation