- 内internal
- 企业内训IT enterprise training
- 笆笆拉博士亲自率领一支由行业专家、训师和专业教练指导组成的专家团队,专门解决企业遇到的创利能力和人力资源问题。Its Managing Director Dr Barbara Woodward heads up a team of specialists, trainers and coaches who work specifically on solving organizations' profitability and people challenges.
- 顾问式的企业项目管理内训Advisory Enterprise Project Management On-site Training
- 笆笆拉博士亲自率领一支由专家、训师和专业教练指导组成的专家团队,专门解决各种组织机构遇到的创利能力和人力资源问题。Its Managing Director Dr Barbara Woodward heads up a team of specialists, trainers and coaches who work specifically on solving and organizations' profitability and people challenges.
- 内的inner
- 根据调研分析结果提出初步内训方案。According to the research results, Bestway Will provide the training proposal.
- 内网Intranet
- 内置internal
- 师兄弟(senior and junior) fellow apprentice
- 站内instation
- 三人行必有我师Two heads are always better than one
- 内向diffidence
- 面包师doughhead
- 时间内within (a period of time)
- 占卜师augur
- 服务范围企业内训、界前沿资讯论坛/议、理咨询。Business Scope In-house training, seminar/ forum with leading-edge business intelligence, management consulting.
- 税务师tax accountant
- 规划师planner
- 在内including