- 典型经验根系吸水函数的田间模拟检验及评价Field Test and Evaluation of Empirical Root Uptake Functions in Soil Water Movement Models
- 经验experience
- 工作经验work experience
- 经验的experiential
- 有经验的salted
- 有经验experienced
- 他是勤勉的典型。He is the epitome of diligence.
- 丰富的经验rich experience
- 这是新形势的典型特色。It is paradigmatic of new situations.
- 积累经验gather experience
- 经验丰富experienced
- 他的行为是愚蠢的典型例子。His actions are a monument to foolishness.
- 经验丰富的veteran
- 她是那种百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型。She typifies the bored housewife.
- 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.
- 实践经验practical experience
- 这次展览汇集了他一生中典型的作品.The exhibition was a summation of his life's work.
- 总结经验summing up experience
- 丰富经验rich experiences
- 可借鉴的经验referential experience